Flex Manager
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Work Experience

A Marketing Professional & MBA candidate at the Amsterdam Business School with a strong business acumen, a specialization in Brand Building & Brand Development and a proven record of leading A-brands in different regions, Europe & Middle East.
A strong passion for consumers, insights (market research) and even more so in what drives our decision making process (Behavioral Sciences). Further interests are Operational Excellence (Lean Management), providing Management Consultancy Services, investing in high potential projects and dedicating sufficient time & effort in nonprofit activities (Micro-Finance & Community Empowerment).


Executive MBA, Amsterdam Business School (2016)


 Brand Development
 Operational Excellence
 Consumer & Market Intelligence
 Project Management
 Cross Functional Leadership
 Management Consultancy
 Financial Management
 E-Commerce
 Entrepreneurship
 Coaching


 Dutch (Fluent)
 English (Fluent)
 French (Moderate/Good)
 Spanish (beginner)
 Arabic (Fluent)


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