Flex Manager
21219 interim professionals
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Interimmanager Forwarding Shipping Logistics

Interimmanager Forwarding Shipping Logistics

Work Experience

Experienced in leading and motivating international teams in the construction and expansion of branches and profit centers with the correspondent performance-linked business planning

An excellent familiar backing allows to cope with pressure and a high work load as well as being geographically independent.

Process improvement,certifications, IFS, ISO, AEO, change management, supply chain management, coaching, burn out prevention, psychologie.


Instruction for executives and management training Zürich, Switzerland 2004
Leadership through motivation
Rudolf Beljean Academy

Fachwirt Degree in Logistics and Transportation
Hamburg, Germany 1989 - 1991
German Transport Academy

Degree in International Transport and Freight Logistics Hamburg, Germany 1985 - 1987
Chamber of Commerce of Hamburg / Spedition Rohde & Liesenfeld GmbH & Co.

Military service Battalion 6 Itzehoe 1982 - 1985
Lieutenant (in Reserve )

High School Diploma Hamburg, Germany 1972 - 1982
Gymnasium Kirchdorf

Elementary School Hamburg, Germany 1968-1972
Schule Stübenhoferweg


My meticulous and organized procedures, as well as the combined implementation of traditional and modern working
methods, consequently lead to the development of highly competent and successful working structures in logistical demands of all kind.


German written and spoken; fluently
Swiss-German written and spoken; fluently
English written and spoken; fluently
Spanish Basic knowledge


Personal activities
Equestrian Sport, Tai Chi Chuan, Nordic Walking, Literature

MS Office Excel / Word / Powerpoint / Outlook
